I saw a presentation on domestic violence while at church yesterday. It made a real impact on me as I reflected on my trouble marriage. The issue of domestic violence should never be ignored, especially in church.

The signs of domestic violence were evident in my marriage as I became withdrawn and hiding behind smiles. Just because someone is smiling and seems happy it doesn’t mean that they are. In my book “Be Careful Who You Marry” I let readers relive the verbal, mental, and psychological I experienced in my marriage.

Domestic violence as a definition to me does not include abuse in forms of verbal, mental, and psychologic. Violence or abuse in this form is a silent killer as it destroys the self-esteem of its victims. It is usually the precursor to physical abuse.

I with other victims of domestic violence would like to take a stand against this social ill. No one, male or female, deserves this mistreatment. My job in writing “Be Careful Who You Marry” was to warn all women, especially Christian women. Choose wisely, watch for red flags, listen to your gut feelings.